Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Week 6 - Photo Wrap Up

Demolition continued this week, with removal of carpet and restroom fixtures.  Librarians got a tour of the progress.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Skylight Replacement

Earlier this week, a crane hoisted an approximately 3,000 pound steel skylight frame to the top of Musselman Library's main stair tower. The new skylight will replace one that was found to leak during rain events in recent years.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Week 5 - Photo Wrap Up

Demolition has started! Week 5 has had the work crews busily removing several walls on the Ground Floor in order to open space for the new floor plan.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Weeks 3 and 4 - Photo Wrap Up

Weeks 3 and 4 show the dramatic emptying of the ground floor. Shelving has been removed, journals marked for remote storage have been packed and moved out, and offices formerly occupied by ITT and library staff sit empty and ready for demolition.

Week 2 - Photo Wrap Up

During week 2, most of the materials and equipment on the ground floor were packed up. The Digital Center was relocated to its new home in the West building. DVDs and lab computers were packed up for the summer into storage. Requiring a lot of boxes, many journals were moved to remote storage.

Week 1 - Photo Wrap Up

Since finals week ended, it's been a non-stop push to get the ground floor ready for demolition. Here are some more photographs from Week 1 of the project before packing materials and temporary office relocations started.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Let the Makeover Begin!

Construction is officially underway on the ground floor of Musselman Library this week. This is the start of a summer project that will create new and improved study and instruction spaces in the areas recently vacated by the college's Instructional Technology & Training department and Digital Center. You can learn more about these plans by looking at the Project Overview and Floor Plan.

While the construction is just beginning, a lot of work has already been done to prepare for the arrival of the construction crews. Most of the materials and equipment on the ground floor were packed up. The Digital Center was relocated to its new home in the West building. DVDs and lab computers were stored for the summer, and many journals were moved to remote storage.

Here's a view of the ground floor just a couple of weeks ago during finals:
Ground Floor view

This is what the ground floor looked like during the packing process:

And, more recently:

It may be a while before we can post some more up-to-date photos, but we will continue to provide updates as the project takes shape.